How deep?

Former Member
Former Member
Our local Y is planning on renovating the indoor pool in May. Right now the pool is 12 feet deep. Rumor has it that the plans are to make it only 5 feet at the deepest! My question is, "what is the minimum depth the pool should be to make starts from the block safe?"
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    There are diving blocks there now, but are going to be removed. I agree whole heartedly that someone will ignore a no diving sign and get seriously hurt, even without diving blocks. I have a friend who, many years ago, dove into the DEEP end of a shallow pool and broke his neck at C3 and C4 and became a quaraplegic. I'm asking about a minimum depth for safe starts off the blocks so I can write a letter requesting that the depth be kept at least x feet, then support it with facts. thanks, Lainey
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    There are diving blocks there now, but are going to be removed. I agree whole heartedly that someone will ignore a no diving sign and get seriously hurt, even without diving blocks. I have a friend who, many years ago, dove into the DEEP end of a shallow pool and broke his neck at C3 and C4 and became a quaraplegic. I'm asking about a minimum depth for safe starts off the blocks so I can write a letter requesting that the depth be kept at least x feet, then support it with facts. thanks, Lainey
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