new to swimming

Former Member
Former Member
Hi all, I have just started swimming. I am 25. I am in very good shape but I need something more. I am finding my swimming lessons at the YMCA boring. I want to compete or find a club to train with. I am, by no means, a good swimmer. I am still figuring it all out. Does anyone have any advice? I don't think I am ready for Masters swimming but I want something more, something to really push me. Lastly, how do you know when you are ready for Masters swimming? What skills must you have? What is Masters swimming all about? Are there any good resources to contact groups to train with? Thanks, Kate:confused:
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi Kate, As the previous person mentioned, you are ready to join a masters team. All you need is the will to get better and faster and it seems that you have that. Our masters team is comprised of various swimmers, from very competitive to somewhat competitive and not competitive at all. Our coach makes sure that there is something there for everybody. train fast and furious and before you know it, you are competing at a great level!!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi Kate, As the previous person mentioned, you are ready to join a masters team. All you need is the will to get better and faster and it seems that you have that. Our masters team is comprised of various swimmers, from very competitive to somewhat competitive and not competitive at all. Our coach makes sure that there is something there for everybody. train fast and furious and before you know it, you are competing at a great level!!
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