Question about Dietary Supplements

Former Member
Former Member
I've been increasing my swim workouts (currently up to 1hr 45min, 5 days a week). However with the increased time in the water I have found a corresponding difficulty in recovering after the work out. I've seen a couple comments posted in the past about various supplements that can help you recover faster, etc., but I can't locate the posts now. If you have some information on the subject I'd love to hear it. Thanks,
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Lexa is correct!!!!! I have seen numerous suppliements come and go over the years. There is no valid scientific evidence that I am aware that shows them to work. There is evidence that they work but not scientific evidence and there is a big difference between the two. Currently modern medicine would agree with Lexa about proper diet, rest, and consideration of your age. In addition a good multiple vitamin MIGHT be a good idea as long term studies of Americans are beginning to show that out diet might not always be as good as we think. My wife has been participating in a SCIENTIFIC study since about 1980. I would recommend an inexpensive multiply vitamin and that is it. Check with your pharmacist or doctor for a reputable brand. No since spending a fortune on vitamins etc when the money could get you a new pair of goggles. I realize my views are not popular but I have seen so many supplements come and go over the years I can not begin to remember half of the names. Just do as your mama told you. Get plenty of rest, eat 3 balanced meals a day, and use your common sense. If more people did these things the medical community would be a lot less busy. Have a great day Paul
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Lexa is correct!!!!! I have seen numerous suppliements come and go over the years. There is no valid scientific evidence that I am aware that shows them to work. There is evidence that they work but not scientific evidence and there is a big difference between the two. Currently modern medicine would agree with Lexa about proper diet, rest, and consideration of your age. In addition a good multiple vitamin MIGHT be a good idea as long term studies of Americans are beginning to show that out diet might not always be as good as we think. My wife has been participating in a SCIENTIFIC study since about 1980. I would recommend an inexpensive multiply vitamin and that is it. Check with your pharmacist or doctor for a reputable brand. No since spending a fortune on vitamins etc when the money could get you a new pair of goggles. I realize my views are not popular but I have seen so many supplements come and go over the years I can not begin to remember half of the names. Just do as your mama told you. Get plenty of rest, eat 3 balanced meals a day, and use your common sense. If more people did these things the medical community would be a lot less busy. Have a great day Paul
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