I have been the paid masters coach at our Y for a couple years, and my supervisor wanted to know if this was an anomaly or not. So I am hoping you guys can help me with the following poll. To make it reasonably comparable to our situation, please respond only if your team has at least 10 or so masters swimmers. (Teams with fewer probably do the coaching on an ad hoc basis.)
Former Member
I don't get paid But I started this Masters team. I do think a coach needs to be paid some amount of money if any thing just so he's not taking money out of his own pocket. After a while it could creat a negitive approach for the coach. It's a pleasure to work with my team, I want to keep the positive drive I have I look forward to each and every practice. If you are doing that. YOU are doing it right. Just my thoughts. Coach Mark;)
I don't get paid But I started this Masters team. I do think a coach needs to be paid some amount of money if any thing just so he's not taking money out of his own pocket. After a while it could creat a negitive approach for the coach. It's a pleasure to work with my team, I want to keep the positive drive I have I look forward to each and every practice. If you are doing that. YOU are doing it right. Just my thoughts. Coach Mark;)