Should I purchase a pair of flippers?

Former Member
Former Member
I have heard numerous articles of how using flippers can improve your kick.... I would like to hear from those who have used flippers before on your training sets and the pros and cons of using one. I admit that I have tried it out before, but usually results in cramps after usage, and the skin at the back of my heel starts peeling. Despite all the bad exp I had, I still believe there certainly must be some good in using flippers. Thanks. :)
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Here's a pro-flipper reply, to provide a balance. I agree that too many metres with flippers is a bad thing. however, flippers helped me with a couple of things: In fly, flippers can help you feel the rhythm. Dolphin kick sets on your side, back, and front (no kickboard) helped me feel the undulating dolphin motion. When my shoulder was acting up (worn out rotator cuff from treeplanting...) the flippers let me keep up repeat times while giving my shoulder a break. Flippers helped me "feel" the breakout point coming off the wall on turns. Maybe breakout is the wrong term - I mean the point where you switch from dolphin to flutter kick, for example. Flippers build quad muscles. Yeah, zoomers were expensive, but I bet my one pair will last me a lifetime. So happy flipping!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Here's a pro-flipper reply, to provide a balance. I agree that too many metres with flippers is a bad thing. however, flippers helped me with a couple of things: In fly, flippers can help you feel the rhythm. Dolphin kick sets on your side, back, and front (no kickboard) helped me feel the undulating dolphin motion. When my shoulder was acting up (worn out rotator cuff from treeplanting...) the flippers let me keep up repeat times while giving my shoulder a break. Flippers helped me "feel" the breakout point coming off the wall on turns. Maybe breakout is the wrong term - I mean the point where you switch from dolphin to flutter kick, for example. Flippers build quad muscles. Yeah, zoomers were expensive, but I bet my one pair will last me a lifetime. So happy flipping!
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