turning around

Former Member
Former Member
Hello, How do I learn to turn around (flip) at the end of my laps? I try to flip over and usually I can keep from getting water up my nose, but I always end up too deep in the pool. I need to make a more compact flip, but I don't know how. Help! Thanks.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I taught myself how to do flips when I was around 19 so it can give you my perspective. First I practiced doing a plain ol' somersault in the water. You have to keep your body in a nice tuck to turn and the tighter your tuck is the weasier it will be to flip. As for the water going up the nose you need to remember to blow out it like crazy. Starting here with that will make it easier as it goes along. Then I would do a somersualt right into the wall. Close enough that you could (but dont yet) put your feet in the wall but far enough that you don't hit you noggin or rear end. Finally start putting those feet on the wall and pushing off (towards your stomach for free and towards your back for back). I found that when I was learnign flip turns It took about 10 mintues of my workout each day just swimming from the flags to the wall and doing them over and over and over. Going too deep is a problem that will mend itself with regualr practice. It did for me. I've been working on turns for over 2 years now and still I have a bad turn in almost every workout. But for every bad one there is like 15 good ones. It just takes practice adn time. Good Luck!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I taught myself how to do flips when I was around 19 so it can give you my perspective. First I practiced doing a plain ol' somersault in the water. You have to keep your body in a nice tuck to turn and the tighter your tuck is the weasier it will be to flip. As for the water going up the nose you need to remember to blow out it like crazy. Starting here with that will make it easier as it goes along. Then I would do a somersualt right into the wall. Close enough that you could (but dont yet) put your feet in the wall but far enough that you don't hit you noggin or rear end. Finally start putting those feet on the wall and pushing off (towards your stomach for free and towards your back for back). I found that when I was learnign flip turns It took about 10 mintues of my workout each day just swimming from the flags to the wall and doing them over and over and over. Going too deep is a problem that will mend itself with regualr practice. It did for me. I've been working on turns for over 2 years now and still I have a bad turn in almost every workout. But for every bad one there is like 15 good ones. It just takes practice adn time. Good Luck!
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