I am interested in the fees other organizations charge to be members of their team. I am very interested in YMCA's (YWCA), but would greatly appriecate information from any club...I need lots of data.
Is there a fee to swim at your facility, besides the Masters fee?
What is it?
Is there a fee to swim on the team?
What is it?
And finally, are your swimmers required to pay their masters registration?
Thanks in advance!
Former Member
My YMCA charges $28 a month for access to the pool only. They do not offer competitive swim teams for adults...they also offered a masters swimming program last year..twelve weeks for $180....but it wasn't very good..
My YMCA charges $28 a month for access to the pool only. They do not offer competitive swim teams for adults...they also offered a masters swimming program last year..twelve weeks for $180....but it wasn't very good..