I am interested in the fees other organizations charge to be members of their team. I am very interested in YMCA's (YWCA), but would greatly appriecate information from any club...I need lots of data.
Is there a fee to swim at your facility, besides the Masters fee?
What is it?
Is there a fee to swim on the team?
What is it?
And finally, are your swimmers required to pay their masters registration?
Thanks in advance!
Our YMCA does not charge for masters, but you have to be a member of the Y to participate. (Many of the team members join the Y only for masters; though quite a few also use other facilities, too--weight room, bball, racquetball/tennis, etc.)
We have 3 x 1 hour practices a week, though it's easy to swim at other times, too. Our coach is a player-coach--i.e., writes practices and swims them too.
There's no requirement to join USMS--we have an active fall-winter-spring of regional Y meets, which cost $7 a piece. All in all, a pretty good deal. Probably 4 or so of us also join USMS and swim 1-2 meets a year (nationals)
On the negative side, we only get 3 lanes, which limits the maximum number of participants.
Our YMCA does not charge for masters, but you have to be a member of the Y to participate. (Many of the team members join the Y only for masters; though quite a few also use other facilities, too--weight room, bball, racquetball/tennis, etc.)
We have 3 x 1 hour practices a week, though it's easy to swim at other times, too. Our coach is a player-coach--i.e., writes practices and swims them too.
There's no requirement to join USMS--we have an active fall-winter-spring of regional Y meets, which cost $7 a piece. All in all, a pretty good deal. Probably 4 or so of us also join USMS and swim 1-2 meets a year (nationals)
On the negative side, we only get 3 lanes, which limits the maximum number of participants.