I am interested in the fees other organizations charge to be members of their team. I am very interested in YMCA's (YWCA), but would greatly appriecate information from any club...I need lots of data.
Is there a fee to swim at your facility, besides the Masters fee?
What is it?
Is there a fee to swim on the team?
What is it?
And finally, are your swimmers required to pay their masters registration?
Thanks in advance!
Former Member
H2Ouston Swims charges:
USMS Annual Registration: $35
H2O Annual Registration: $49
H2O Monthly Dues: $54 (if by automatic credit card charge)
$59 (if by snail-mail billing)
We offer 4 coached practices per week. This allows people to attend any or all scheduled H2O practices in the month. It does not allow use of the facility at other times.
H2Ouston Swims charges:
USMS Annual Registration: $35
H2O Annual Registration: $49
H2O Monthly Dues: $54 (if by automatic credit card charge)
$59 (if by snail-mail billing)
We offer 4 coached practices per week. This allows people to attend any or all scheduled H2O practices in the month. It does not allow use of the facility at other times.