Shoulder pain

Former Member
Former Member
I started swimming about three months ago. I swim two to three times a week. I recently developped a shoulder pain on my left shoulder, and it's awful after a swim. It continues for three to four days. This is not anything like what I have experienced before; it's not a muscle pain, but it's sharper and throbbing, almost like a spasm. I mostly swim in front crawl. What am I doing wrong to cause this? How should I treat it? Thanks, tamami
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Thank you everybody -- I did go swimming today, and worked on rolling on both sides. Realized how dificult it is to try to change your stroke. I stretched before, during and after, and used ice on my shoulder too (it's on my shoulder now :-), and it seems to help. I will keep working on my stroke! Happy swimming, tamami
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Thank you everybody -- I did go swimming today, and worked on rolling on both sides. Realized how dificult it is to try to change your stroke. I stretched before, during and after, and used ice on my shoulder too (it's on my shoulder now :-), and it seems to help. I will keep working on my stroke! Happy swimming, tamami
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