Will I ever get back what I've lost?

The last time I swam was in mid-March. I train alone, usually 1500-2500, 3-4 times a week. I just turned 62. I was feeling in a good space, doing a masters personal best at just shy of 61 in my best event, even though I've started back at this at 54. I've been doing resistance band training, yoga, and a mini-elliptical trainer, plus 125 pushups every day. However, my resting heart rate, which was down to low 60s (56/57 overnight), is now 70-ish. Will I be able to get back to where I was, if/when the pools re-open, and if so, how long should it take. Side note: will pools likely be safe? I live in Brooklyn, NY
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    Sorry. Let me expand on that. I’m nearly in the same boat as you. 58 years old. Quit mid March after some PRs. Except I did NOTHING but walking during the off period. It will come back if you are determined enough, and smart enough not to try to make up for lost time too quickly.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    Sorry. Let me expand on that. I’m nearly in the same boat as you. 58 years old. Quit mid March after some PRs. Except I did NOTHING but walking during the off period. It will come back if you are determined enough, and smart enough not to try to make up for lost time too quickly.
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