Critique my strokes?

Hi, Forumites! These are my stokes after 11 weeks off due to COVID-19. Any constructive criticism (aside from going crooked on the second 25 of my backstroke! :blush:) would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  • I'm probably the least qualified to comment, but a few things on the free. Mostly your breathing. It LOOKS like to me (but I may be wrong). 1. It appears you are exhaling as you turn your head, rather than face down. 2. In conjunction, it appears you are introducing a hitch, or a pause, in your breathing pattern. So you turn, exhale, pause, then finish turning and inhale 3. Looks like you are waiting a bit late to rotate your head. That probably contributes to the jerky motion, rather than one smooth, continuous one. 4. When you breathe, you are picking up your left shoulder out of teh water. Looks like you are rotating your whole body to breathe. 5. Looks like your left arm, but not your right, has a little "S" shape sweep in there. That may be the relfection, it is really hard to see Fly looks good to me? No idea on *** stroke, but I do like hearing Aerosmith! Backstroke. Focus wasn't quite right, but it looks like you are brining your had out of teh water with the top of your hand. You want to rotate it more so you lead with your thumb, then rotate your wrist 180 degrees so you enter the water with your pinky. Hey, 67! Thanks for reviewing my videos and taking the time to offer your critique. Regarding my free breathing, I am exhaling the entire time my face is in the water, so I don't think the hitch is in the breathing itself. As I turn my head, I'm getting the last bit out, so I have an even exchange of air, and it always feels relaxed and comfortable. I'm wondering if the hitch you see is because I'm waiting until I get rotated before I exit the arm on my breathing side. I know I think about that more than I think about my breathing, because my breathing always felt like the most natural, easiest part of the stroke to me. I would be curious to hear feedback from others on this to see what they think. As for the timing when I turn my head, I may be overcompensating. I aim to time my breathing until after my pull passes my shoulders, so I don't breathe too soon, and now I guess I'm breathing too late. I guess I don't have a clear sense of where my arm is in relation to my shoulder on the pull. When I think it hasn't passed my shoulder, it already has! I'll work on that. I'll work on toning down the rotation, too. What you think you saw with my left arm, you definitely saw it correctly. Darn it! I have this weird thing going on with my left arm that I have been trying to fix FOREVER. Here's a video of me breathing right. Overall, is my stroke better or worse breathing to the right? Fly looks good? :bliss: Backstroke? Easy fix! I just have to remind myself to pop my thumb out, and I can correct that immediately. That was an easy fix for me before that stuck, so I know I can get it to stick again with that little thumb reminder. The same goes for the pinky. Thankfully, backstroke fixes like that are way easier for me than the freestyle fixes! Thanks again, 67! :chug:
  • I'm probably the least qualified to comment, but a few things on the free. Mostly your breathing. It LOOKS like to me (but I may be wrong). 1. It appears you are exhaling as you turn your head, rather than face down. 2. In conjunction, it appears you are introducing a hitch, or a pause, in your breathing pattern. So you turn, exhale, pause, then finish turning and inhale 3. Looks like you are waiting a bit late to rotate your head. That probably contributes to the jerky motion, rather than one smooth, continuous one. 4. When you breathe, you are picking up your left shoulder out of teh water. Looks like you are rotating your whole body to breathe. 5. Looks like your left arm, but not your right, has a little "S" shape sweep in there. That may be the relfection, it is really hard to see Fly looks good to me? No idea on *** stroke, but I do like hearing Aerosmith! Backstroke. Focus wasn't quite right, but it looks like you are brining your had out of teh water with the top of your hand. You want to rotate it more so you lead with your thumb, then rotate your wrist 180 degrees so you enter the water with your pinky. Hey, 67! Thanks for reviewing my videos and taking the time to offer your critique. Regarding my free breathing, I am exhaling the entire time my face is in the water, so I don't think the hitch is in the breathing itself. As I turn my head, I'm getting the last bit out, so I have an even exchange of air, and it always feels relaxed and comfortable. I'm wondering if the hitch you see is because I'm waiting until I get rotated before I exit the arm on my breathing side. I know I think about that more than I think about my breathing, because my breathing always felt like the most natural, easiest part of the stroke to me. I would be curious to hear feedback from others on this to see what they think. As for the timing when I turn my head, I may be overcompensating. I aim to time my breathing until after my pull passes my shoulders, so I don't breathe too soon, and now I guess I'm breathing too late. I guess I don't have a clear sense of where my arm is in relation to my shoulder on the pull. When I think it hasn't passed my shoulder, it already has! I'll work on that. I'll work on toning down the rotation, too. What you think you saw with my left arm, you definitely saw it correctly. Darn it! I have this weird thing going on with my left arm that I have been trying to fix FOREVER. Here's a video of me breathing right. Overall, is my stroke better or worse breathing to the right? Fly looks good? :bliss: Backstroke? Easy fix! I just have to remind myself to pop my thumb out, and I can correct that immediately. That was an easy fix for me before that stuck, so I know I can get it to stick again with that little thumb reminder. The same goes for the pinky. Thankfully, backstroke fixes like that are way easier for me than the freestyle fixes! Thanks again, 67! :chug:
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