Anyone concerned about risks to our family?

Former Member
Former Member
No matter what the CDC says about chlorine killing the virus, my family is very concerned about my return to the pool, due to those who spit, pee, sweat in the pool, and particularly the heavy breathing above the water by other swimmers. Not to mention that they don't 100% believe that chlorine kills the virus, since we are inundated with contradictory recommendations and cautions. Is anyone staying away from pools until it really is "safe" -- the cases don't rise significantly? I worry about being the carrier to my family, esp. my grandson, who I watch and adore. I admit, I'm concerned about safety above the water, no matter what precautions the pools say they are taking. I swam indoors and watched guards look the other way when people don't shower off before getting in, or spit in the pool, and I've seen worse that I won't share here.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    And, you're surprised by that? Just wait another week or two and see where the numbers are in many of the states. Sweden never closed, and their statistics are a disaster compared to their neighbors. New Zealand went on strict lock down, and ended up with only 1504 cases and 22 deaths. (I live in a county of 60,000 people, and we have had 24 deaths.). There are now ZERO cases in New Zealand! New Zealand may be a small country of only 4.8 million people; however, as a percentage of their population, those are some amazing coronavirus statistics compared to anywhere else in the world. Until people start taking this virus seriously, Gull is right. We aren't done with this, and we're not going to be done with this for a long time. Strap in. Yeah, without mentioning names/countries, I'm shocked about the "politics" of what I see. The virus doesn't give a f*** about your feelings. marks exactly 3 months off swimming for me. I'm certain that I'll see 4 months off. "FREE CANADA" :)
  • I cannot tell you how angry/baffled I am when a certain political leader is going to fill a stadium next week. What kind of an example does this set? Without getting political for "fear" of having yet another thread locked, I will provide this non-political just-released link that helps in answering your question:
  • 15%? 67 King, I will stand by my 50-85% as stated in this article: Most of what I see is consistent with this article,, which reads: "Protecting the wearer is difficult: It requires medical-grade respirator masks, a proper fit, and careful putting on and taking off. But masks can also be worn to prevent transmission to others, and this is their most important use for society. If we lower the likelihood of one personâ€Tms infecting another, the impact is exponential, so even a small reduction in those odds results in a huge decrease in deaths. Luckily, blocking transmission outward at the source is much easier. It can be accomplished with something as simple as a cloth mask." But I can't seem to find the numbers I mentioned earlier. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Just wear a &^*%ing mask.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    I cannot tell you how angry/baffled I am when a certain political leader is going to fill a stadium next week. What kind of an example does this set?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    I will stand by my 50-85% Yes.
  • With "reopening" the #'s seem to be gong up in most states ! I'm still going to be doing dryland stuff for a while yet into the future.
  • Hospital admissions for Covid-19 here In Austin have doubled in the past two weeks, and 35% are under the age of 50. Please wear your mask and practice social distancing. We are not done with this. I'm sorry to hear that, Gull. Gee, I wonder how it's going at Kurt Dickson's hospital, considering the spike in Arizona's cases as well?
  • With "reopening" the #'s seem to be gong up in most states ! And, you're surprised by that? Just wait another week or two and see where the numbers are in many of the states. Sweden never closed, and their statistics are a disaster compared to their neighbors. New Zealand went on strict lock down, and ended up with only 1504 cases and 22 deaths. (I live in a county of 60,000 people, and we have had 24 deaths.). There are now ZERO cases in New Zealand! New Zealand may be a small country of only 4.8 million people; however, as a percentage of their population, those are some amazing coronavirus statistics compared to anywhere else in the world. Until people start taking this virus seriously, Gull is right. We aren't done with this, and we're not going to be done with this for a long time. Strap in.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    Hospital admissions for Covid-19 here In Austin have doubled in the past two weeks, and 35% are under the age of 50. Please wear your mask and practice social distancing. We are not done with this.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    Hospital admissions for Covid-19 here In Austin have doubled in the past two weeks, and 35% are under the age of 50. Please wear your mask and practice social distancing. We are not done with this. I heard that Texas #s were up. Are your pools open?