Anyone concerned about risks to our family?

Former Member
Former Member
No matter what the CDC says about chlorine killing the virus, my family is very concerned about my return to the pool, due to those who spit, pee, sweat in the pool, and particularly the heavy breathing above the water by other swimmers. Not to mention that they don't 100% believe that chlorine kills the virus, since we are inundated with contradictory recommendations and cautions. Is anyone staying away from pools until it really is "safe" -- the cases don't rise significantly? I worry about being the carrier to my family, esp. my grandson, who I watch and adore. I admit, I'm concerned about safety above the water, no matter what precautions the pools say they are taking. I swam indoors and watched guards look the other way when people don't shower off before getting in, or spit in the pool, and I've seen worse that I won't share here.
  • I am concerned for myself. The outdoor 50 meter pool at my health club opened recently and they are allowing 4 swimmer per lane. I know from swimming there the last 5+ years that although there are few times when there are more than 2 swimmers per lane, those times do occur. I am not even comfortable with sharing a lane, as I know exhale strongly, and sometimes cough or sneeze mid-lane due to allergies and whatnot and because the general lap swimmer at this facility spends A LOT of time on the wall. Not to mention that the pool has "transformed" within the last year from an almost strictly workout pool to more of a "family gathering pool" with families sitting around the deck and young kids jumping off the sides and starting blocks into occupied lanes with very little adult supervision and zero awareness. I am thinking about suspending my membership through the fall when the families will be gone and people generally slow down on the outdoor swimming. I would love to swim outdoors but I do not want someone in my lane at this time.
  • I am concerned for myself. The outdoor 50 meter pool at my health club opened recently and they are allowing 4 swimmer per lane. I know from swimming there the last 5+ years that although there are few times when there are more than 2 swimmers per lane, those times do occur. I am not even comfortable with sharing a lane, as I know exhale strongly, and sometimes cough or sneeze mid-lane due to allergies and whatnot and because the general lap swimmer at this facility spends A LOT of time on the wall. Not to mention that the pool has "transformed" within the last year from an almost strictly workout pool to more of a "family gathering pool" with families sitting around the deck and young kids jumping off the sides and starting blocks into occupied lanes with very little adult supervision and zero awareness. I am thinking about suspending my membership through the fall when the families will be gone and people generally slow down on the outdoor swimming. I would love to swim outdoors but I do not want someone in my lane at this time.
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