Swimming Question, 400m in under 10 minutes possible?

Former Member
Former Member
Hi all my name is Joey and about a week from now I am taking a beach lifeguard test and the hardest thing by far is going to be the 400m swim in under ten minutes. I have been a pool lifeguard for four years and have had to do a 300m swim twice (one for initial testing and one for rectification). I have no benchmarks for time as the 300m pool swim I did was not timed and honestly I almost threw up both times after finishing it. I run competitively and my times are 17:15 for the 5k, 4:40 for the mile, and 55.xx for the 400m to give some perspective of my current fitness level. What can I do over the next several days to get ready for this test and how should I go about completing. Please not did any form of swimming since my pool lifeguard re certification test three years ago. Thanks!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    I concur with everybody. :) Zongace, you are a fit dude. My general rule of thumb is time for 1 distance swimming is like 4 distance running. 400M swim is roughly comparable to a mile run. The big difference is running is largely instinctual; swimming is mainly technique. With your running time, if you are worried about finishing 400M in 10 minutes, there is an issue with your swimming skills. Probably fixable. Maybe fixable rapidly. Here's a 4 day plan: one lesson from a coach (or any half decent teacher), one practice by yourself, a second lesson, one rest day. Then hit it.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    I concur with everybody. :) Zongace, you are a fit dude. My general rule of thumb is time for 1 distance swimming is like 4 distance running. 400M swim is roughly comparable to a mile run. The big difference is running is largely instinctual; swimming is mainly technique. With your running time, if you are worried about finishing 400M in 10 minutes, there is an issue with your swimming skills. Probably fixable. Maybe fixable rapidly. Here's a 4 day plan: one lesson from a coach (or any half decent teacher), one practice by yourself, a second lesson, one rest day. Then hit it.
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