Highest yearly swim totals

One of our swimmers on the Elgin Blue Wave Masters team brought up a guy who swims 14,000 yards a day each and every day to achieve his yearly total. I find this really difficult to comprehend. Has anyone heard of such swimmers?
  • same 10-12/day 4 days a week and then another couple days of 6-7k... and that was low compared to what I did in club before college. Now? 12-14/wk rather than per day. Come to think of it... maybe that is why I am so much slower! When I was doing the napkin math I came up with the following (from my recollection): I trained in what we called the "upper mid-distance" group. We sort of carved out the group amongst 5-6 of us who raced the 200/500 or 200s of stroke, and felt we needed more training than the typical "middle distance" group, but didn't need the 1000/1650 race specific work (or absolute volume) of the "distance" group. M: 3k morning/7.5k afternoon (between 7-8k usually) T: 7k afternoon W: 4k morning/6k afternoon (Wednesdays were off the block) H: 7k afternoon (recovery) F: 3k morning/7.5k afternoon S: 8k morning 10.5 + 7 + 10 + 7 + 10.5 + 8 = 53k yards per week And that was really only from last week of September to the third week of November. Training Trip was first week of January which was a different animal unto itself, and then maybe the above formula might repeat for 2 more weeks after that and then we started winding down for conference. I would imagine over a six month period (mid-August to mid-February), we actually averaged out to closer to 40k a week. 53k was just peak, and then probably 65-70k for Training Trip week.
  • same 10-12/day 4 days a week and then another couple days of 6-7k... and that was low compared to what I did in club before college. Now? 12-14/wk rather than per day. Come to think of it... maybe that is why I am so much slower! When I was doing the napkin math I came up with the following (from my recollection): I trained in what we called the "upper mid-distance" group. We sort of carved out the group amongst 5-6 of us who raced the 200/500 or 200s of stroke, and felt we needed more training than the typical "middle distance" group, but didn't need the 1000/1650 race specific work (or absolute volume) of the "distance" group. M: 3k morning/7.5k afternoon (between 7-8k usually) T: 7k afternoon W: 4k morning/6k afternoon (Wednesdays were off the block) H: 7k afternoon (recovery) F: 3k morning/7.5k afternoon S: 8k morning 10.5 + 7 + 10 + 7 + 10.5 + 8 = 53k yards per week And that was really only from last week of September to the third week of November. Training Trip was first week of January which was a different animal unto itself, and then maybe the above formula might repeat for 2 more weeks after that and then we started winding down for conference. I would imagine over a six month period (mid-August to mid-February), we actually averaged out to closer to 40k a week. 53k was just peak, and then probably 65-70k for Training Trip week.
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