2019 Go the Distance: Did you achieve your goal?

Did you achieve your GTD goal this year? I hope you all are pleased with your 2019 Go the Distance results! I set a goal for 300 miles, and I have just 1,500 yards left to go. I'm on my way to the pool for a 2,500 yard workout, so I'll make it today! :banana: I'm going to celebrate by trying out my new Finis monofin. :D My 300 miles for the year pale in comparison to two of my Georgia Masters teammates, Pat Eddy and Chris Greene who each swam over 2,000 miles for the year! I will be writing about them in an article for the Georgia Masters Newsletter, and one of the questions I want to ask is: How do you prevent repetitive stress injuries swimming so much mileage? I kept 2019 injury-free by doing a daily 20-minute pre-swim dynamic stretching warm-up, and a lot of static stretching and yoga following my swim sessions. I also do 3 x week Theraband exercises, sit-ups, and push-ups. (I'm now up to 100 military push-ups per session as sets of 15 and one fast ten push-up set at the end.) What was your GTD goal for 2019? Did you achieve it? What is your GTD goal for 2020? (Mine is 300 miles again.) Good luck, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! :party2: :wine:
  • 111.85 miles swum (=196,850 yards Well --- that is all I have this year. On to 2020.
  • Way to go Elaine. My goal has usually been 300 miles too, and I'm often just short of it. This year I logged my swims but because I missed the first three months recovering from surgery and then needed to start back slow, I just set a goal of 200 miles a few days ago and as usual I missed it (by about 7 miles). I'm going for "goal missing consistency" (aka GMC) in GTD!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    Thanks for this post Elaine. I have never set a distance goal before but after reading this thread set 300 miles as a goal. Hopefully with my new Garmin Swim 2 watch I can track everything and reach my goal. BTW, I heard that to prevent overuse injuries to be sure to include lots of backstroke to counter freestyle muscle use. At least that's what a Master's coach told me. I include BS in all my workouts now. If you click the image below you can see my goal on my calendar for 2021 :) 12238
  • Only made 428K yards against my goal of 600K yards. Unfortunately I missed most of the summer after I was diagnosed with AFib and was put on beta-blockers, which made it hard to just get out of the bed in the morning, let alone swim. It wasn't until late September when my cardiologist took me off the Sotalol and I was able to get back in the pool again. Wow, that's too bad! I've had AFib off/on for about 4-5 years. I'm also on Sotalol and haven't have nearly the reaction you did. Hope you have a successful 2020 with swimming! Stay healthy!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    Did you achieve your GTD goal this year? I hope you all are pleased with your 2019 Go the Distance results! I set a goal for 300 miles, and I have just 1,500 yards left to go. I'm on my way to the pool for a 2,500 yard workout, so I'll make it today! :banana: I'm going to celebrate by trying out my new Finis monofin. :D My 300 miles for the year pale in comparison to two of my Georgia Masters teammates, Pat Eddy and Chris Greene who each swam over 2,000 miles for the year! I will be writing about them in an article for the Georgia Masters Newsletter, and one of the questions I want to ask is: How do you prevent repetitive stress injuries swimming so much mileage? I kept 2019 injury-free by doing a daily 20-minute pre-swim dynamic stretching warm-up, and a lot of static stretching and yoga following my swim sessions. I also do 3 x week Theraband exercises, sit-ups, and push-ups. (I'm now up to 100 military push-ups per session as sets of 15 and one fast ten push-up set at the end.) What was your GTD goal for 2019? Did you achieve it? What is your GTD goal for 2020? (Mine is 300 miles again.) Good luck, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! :party2: :wine: My distance goal in swimming refers to race distance. My goal in 2019 was to do a 10 km or longer race, and I did a 13 km race. My goal in 2020 is to build my race distance to at least 16 km.
  • Way to go Elaine. My goal has usually been 300 miles too, and I'm often just short of it. This year I logged my swims but because I missed the first three months recovering from surgery and then needed to start back slow, I just set a goal of 200 miles a few days ago and as usual I missed it (by about 7 miles). I'm going for "goal missing consistency" (aka GMC) in GTD! Thanks, 'jerz! Good luck with your swimming this year!
  • Only made 428K yards against my goal of 600K yards. Unfortunately I missed most of the summer after I was diagnosed with AFib and was put on beta-blockers, which made it hard to just get out of the bed in the morning, let alone swim. It wasn't until late September when my cardiologist took me off the Sotalol and I was able to get back in the pool again.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    I've had two separate shoulder injuries (one overuse, one bike crash). My goal was to recover enough to do a 2.25 mile open swim in my old hometown of Ishpeming, MI. I completed that swim. It was a jackass to do an OWS that I could needed some luck to finish at all, but I did it.
  • Elaine, is it possible that you could post your 20 minute pre-training strectching rountine? Thanks,.... Hey there, Jim! I write articles for the Georgia Masters Newsletter, so I will include some links that include "Elaine's Tip of the Month." Scroll through the newsletter; they are towards the end or at the end of the issue: www.clubassistant.com/.../2019-03 GAM Newsletter.pdf www.clubassistant.com/.../2019-06 GAM Newsletter.pdf www.clubassistant.com/.../2019-07 GAM Newsletter.pdf www.clubassistant.com/.../2019-09 GAM Newsletter.pdf I stand corrected, though (by somebody here in Georgia that called me out on it) when I say in one of the articles to hold the stretch for a couple of seconds. In dynamic stretching, DO NOT hold any of the stretches! Each dynamic stretch is a continuous motion. After your swim, you can do some of these as static stretches and hold the stretch for 30 seconds, and then repeat it. (I am currently writing tips on static stretching for upcoming newsletters.) In addition to the ones in this newsletter, I do several from this book: www.amazon.com/.../ref=sr_1_1 To try to describe my exact routine would require a lot more time (and writing!) than I have right now, so this will have to suffice until I can get a video made-- if I get one made. (I am no expert, and I include a disclaimer in my articles; so, I am hesitant.) Meanwhile, if you are curious, check out the "Swimmer Profile" features I also wrote in my newsletters. The June, 2019 issue is about Chris Greene who swam 2,143.21 miles and won his age group in Go the Distance. I mentioned him earlier in this thread.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    Elaine, is it possible that you could post your 20 minute pre-training strectching rountine? Thanks,....