Speed differences among strokes

Former Member
Former Member
Hi, 36 years ago, I competed in butterfly and backstroke, and my breaststroke was severely slow. I've returned to swimming for about one year and now is as fast in freestyle as back then. However, my breaststroke is now faster than backstroke and butterfly is the slowest of the three. The 100m pace of my breaststroke now is faster than my 1k freestyle, which is surprisingly satisfying (for me). What does this physiologically indicate? I just look to see what are missing for swimming butterfly and backstroke. Thanks
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    For butterfly I'd suspect it is because you are out of shape and your form needs work. I'm pretty sure there's nothing special physiologically (aside from injury or disability, which you don't mention) about you that predisposes your freestyle or backstroke to be slower than your breaststroke. I bet your core is not tight at all and you're wiggling side-to-side like a fish. Are you kicking? My freestyle is way faster than breaststroke. Only butterfly and backstroke is slower than the breaststroke. But I agree about the core. Will work on that and see if it makes some improvement. Thanks.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 4 years ago
    For butterfly I'd suspect it is because you are out of shape and your form needs work. I'm pretty sure there's nothing special physiologically (aside from injury or disability, which you don't mention) about you that predisposes your freestyle or backstroke to be slower than your breaststroke. I bet your core is not tight at all and you're wiggling side-to-side like a fish. Are you kicking? My freestyle is way faster than breaststroke. Only butterfly and backstroke is slower than the breaststroke. But I agree about the core. Will work on that and see if it makes some improvement. Thanks.
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