Swimming Longer Less Often Vs. Swimming Shorter More Often

Former Member
Former Member
Hi everyone, I would like to get your opinions on this. I live in the country in Montana, and during cold-weather months can only get to the pool twice-to-four-times a month. When I told my wife I was planning on swimming once every other week for 3 hours each time, she said it would be better for my body to swim every week for 1.5 hours each time. Which one of us is right? Happy swimming!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    In my 50's I found out that 3 times a week did more for my swimming than 4 or 5 times a week. Much more. Even though it felt like I was slacking off. Now, I'm 66 and I'm beginning to suspect that once every 3 days might be good for me now. I think it might be an age thing 5 or 6 times a week might be better for a 20 something, I dunno. My sense is that swimming every other week would just be a stress on your body, not an exercise regimen. I vote for more often. I'm a 57 year old newbie swimmer. I've struggled with this topic for the 8-9 months that I have been swimming, and I've come to the conclusion that FOR ME, 5x a week is a really good thing, but the sessions are generally on the short side....ie 1200m to 2000m total. This might change for me later on. Maybe I'll want to try 3x3km sessions per week. But at this early stage, I feel that 2-3days off in a row really gets to me....I seem to lose "feel" for the water very quickly. (Slightly off the main topic, sorry.)
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    In my 50's I found out that 3 times a week did more for my swimming than 4 or 5 times a week. Much more. Even though it felt like I was slacking off. Now, I'm 66 and I'm beginning to suspect that once every 3 days might be good for me now. I think it might be an age thing 5 or 6 times a week might be better for a 20 something, I dunno. My sense is that swimming every other week would just be a stress on your body, not an exercise regimen. I vote for more often. I'm a 57 year old newbie swimmer. I've struggled with this topic for the 8-9 months that I have been swimming, and I've come to the conclusion that FOR ME, 5x a week is a really good thing, but the sessions are generally on the short side....ie 1200m to 2000m total. This might change for me later on. Maybe I'll want to try 3x3km sessions per week. But at this early stage, I feel that 2-3days off in a row really gets to me....I seem to lose "feel" for the water very quickly. (Slightly off the main topic, sorry.)
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