Qs about interval training for open water races

Former Member
Former Member
Hi everyone, In preparation for a 6k race next year, I've changed my training plan to interval training 3 days a week, Mo (20*100m), We (10*200m), Fr (5*400m). Currently I keep lowering the time it takes to swim one repetition. I have two main questions: is this a good strategy, to lower the time/ interval until I achieve a desired pace and after that to increase the number of repetions, aiming for race distance? What would be a better approach? For these 3 days of interval training, should I keep 100m/ 200m/ 400m intervals or should I increase to 200m/400m/800m? A better option? Cheers, Adrian
  • it you can get some technique coaching as becoming a more efficient swimmer will help you go faster One thing about swimming, no matter the experience, conditioning, level of competition, and age, the best way to swim faster is working on form.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Aswesome, thank you! I've already done some changes to my workout based on your comments. As soon as weather permits, I am going to do regular open water swims and add distance to my training. The 6k workout linked above does sound brutal and their times are fantastic. I'd need more than 2h to train that distance/ intensity, assuming I won't die mid workout. Thanks much for your comments and for taking the time to share your ideas.
  • Might be worth posting this question in the open water forum. You may get more responses.
  • Yes thank you pub for the nice little 1500 set. I will add it to my collection. Personally, I don’t think I’m much of a fan of OW, but I seem to do well, so I keep entering them. I get in about 20-25,000 per week from October through July. I just love to go and go. I agree with flystorms on ramping it up on the weekends; when I was training for a 7 mile swim a few years ago, I spent every Saturday for almost 12 weeks before the event, swimming longer and longer workouts. It worked really well for me, so that’s what I still do, even when it’s only 5 miles, or even if it is 10. It’s imperative that you occasionally add in a day or two a month of a solid 45-60 minute swim, but I feel intervals break things up and make you faster - why can’t you do both? Take one day a week for a 5-6000M workout, and the other days can be a mix of whatever moves you. You won’t get burned out that way, either.