FORM swim goggles

Just wondering if anyone can comment on their experience with these? I'm curious as to what technology they use for measuring distance indoors, and/or in an open water environment. Dan
  • Even so, the input from the goggles was just too much. I don't need to see my every 25 split in real time and I found myself honestly not enjoying the training as much. Today I swam on my own and used the goggles again. I have found a setting that I like so that these things don't overwhelm: - after every turn in an interval swim, it will flash the cumulative split for the swim and how far you have gone. I'd say it lasts 2-3 seconds, just about perfect for me; they are just regular goggles between the walls. - after you finish an interval, it will show your time for the most recent swim as well as a running clock. This behavior is pretty much exactly what I want from the device. I don't want it pestering me all the time but I do like information. I had a wall clock today but didn't really need it. Also, I feel like the timing accuracy was better today; it was quite good, actually. I downloaded a software update and maybe they tweaked the settings. I continue to be amazed at the accuracy with which the device captures distances and times. It even accurately identified and timed (fairly accurately) 25s underwater dolphin kick on my back. No wrist-borne device I've ever used has been able to do anything like that. After the goggles synced with my phone, I looked at the workout and I could actually recognize my workout and get real information out of it. But every once in a while, it misidentifies my butterfly as breaststroke. Wow, that really hurts...though I can sort of understand, maybe your head motion probably isn't all that much different in the two strokes.... There should be a a setting where I can check a box that says "never does breaststroke." :-) * Very tight interval sets. It needs about 4-5 seconds to judge that you are at rest instead of a turn. If you are doing a tight set (like 10x100 on SI) it'll treat it as one giant swim. Yes, I noticed that too. Also, shaking the goggles (eg to clear fog) confuses the device. I came in on a repeat and upon finishing immediately shook my head to clear the goggles, and it added 5 seconds to my time.
  • Even so, the input from the goggles was just too much. I don't need to see my every 25 split in real time and I found myself honestly not enjoying the training as much. Today I swam on my own and used the goggles again. I have found a setting that I like so that these things don't overwhelm: - after every turn in an interval swim, it will flash the cumulative split for the swim and how far you have gone. I'd say it lasts 2-3 seconds, just about perfect for me; they are just regular goggles between the walls. - after you finish an interval, it will show your time for the most recent swim as well as a running clock. This behavior is pretty much exactly what I want from the device. I don't want it pestering me all the time but I do like information. I had a wall clock today but didn't really need it. Also, I feel like the timing accuracy was better today; it was quite good, actually. I downloaded a software update and maybe they tweaked the settings. I continue to be amazed at the accuracy with which the device captures distances and times. It even accurately identified and timed (fairly accurately) 25s underwater dolphin kick on my back. No wrist-borne device I've ever used has been able to do anything like that. After the goggles synced with my phone, I looked at the workout and I could actually recognize my workout and get real information out of it. But every once in a while, it misidentifies my butterfly as breaststroke. Wow, that really hurts...though I can sort of understand, maybe your head motion probably isn't all that much different in the two strokes.... There should be a a setting where I can check a box that says "never does breaststroke." :-) * Very tight interval sets. It needs about 4-5 seconds to judge that you are at rest instead of a turn. If you are doing a tight set (like 10x100 on SI) it'll treat it as one giant swim. Yes, I noticed that too. Also, shaking the goggles (eg to clear fog) confuses the device. I came in on a repeat and upon finishing immediately shook my head to clear the goggles, and it added 5 seconds to my time.
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