F I N A swims 2019

It amazes me that swimmers now can break old "full tech suits "swims! I have been watching the nightly swims and see the effort being put into training for the events and the results. I'm not sure of some of the dq calls but, I'm not a ref at the meet. Sorry that Katie has been sick. I would have liked to see her 1,500 free swim.
  • I'm not sure if what Reece did was technically a full dolphin kick - it's kind of up to interpretation, but I don't really think he had a downbeat before he touched the wall. It's legal to take just an arm stroke into the turn/finish in breaststroke. I agree, I just watched the race several times and did not see a downward dolphin kick. He threw in an extra pull at the end, which is legal(as long as there there is a kick after the prior pull.) They say, finish on a full stroke, which is usually faster, but sometimes you are a little far from the wall and that extra pull can make the difference.
  • I'm not sure if what Reece did was technically a full dolphin kick - it's kind of up to interpretation, but I don't really think he had a downbeat before he touched the wall. It's legal to take just an arm stroke into the turn/finish in breaststroke. I agree, I just watched the race several times and did not see a downward dolphin kick. He threw in an extra pull at the end, which is legal(as long as there there is a kick after the prior pull.) They say, finish on a full stroke, which is usually faster, but sometimes you are a little far from the wall and that extra pull can make the difference.
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