FINA Worlds Controversy

At FINA Worlds a lot is happening. So far the Americans are not doing great and Katie Lydecky is sick. The backstroke wedges have been malfunctioning. The big controversy is over Sun Yang who probably shouldn't have been allowed to swim and has been shunned by an Australian swimmer and a British swimmer. Evidently last September he was supposed to give blood and urine samples for doping analysis. Blood was drawn and then he begin questioning the authority of the people obtaining the samples, had one removed, refused to give a urine sample and had someone break the blood sample. FINA gave him rebukes, which seems an underwhelming response. WADA will have a hearing, in September, after Worlds. What do you think?
  • Organizations like FINA (and the NCAA) are supposed to apply rules impartially and without regard for politics. NCAA makes FINA look like the Boy Scouts. I can't believe the number of universities with USA affiliated swim teams, nowadays. And to think they claim they are separate when the university's head coach is also the president of the age group team? Or that every e-mail address provided for inquires is a .edu address? It is a darn shame that this kind of crap has to encroach on kids' activities.
  • Organizations like FINA (and the NCAA) are supposed to apply rules impartially and without regard for politics. NCAA makes FINA look like the Boy Scouts. I can't believe the number of universities with USA affiliated swim teams, nowadays. And to think they claim they are separate when the university's head coach is also the president of the age group team? Or that every e-mail address provided for inquires is a .edu address? It is a darn shame that this kind of crap has to encroach on kids' activities.
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