FINA Worlds Controversy

At FINA Worlds a lot is happening. So far the Americans are not doing great and Katie Lydecky is sick. The backstroke wedges have been malfunctioning. The big controversy is over Sun Yang who probably shouldn't have been allowed to swim and has been shunned by an Australian swimmer and a British swimmer. Evidently last September he was supposed to give blood and urine samples for doping analysis. Blood was drawn and then he begin questioning the authority of the people obtaining the samples, had one removed, refused to give a urine sample and had someone break the blood sample. FINA gave him rebukes, which seems an underwhelming response. WADA will have a hearing, in September, after Worlds. What do you think?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    But I don't know HOW any decent sanctioning body can let a guy compete when he deliberately destroys his blood sample. This is really the crux of the matter, to me. That's like refusing a field sobriety test, blood draw or urine sample when suspected of driving under the influence of a controlled substance. I don't blame the protesting athletes whatsoever. If FINA had done a better job to begin with they wouldn't be writing these letters to protesting athletes right now.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    But I don't know HOW any decent sanctioning body can let a guy compete when he deliberately destroys his blood sample. This is really the crux of the matter, to me. That's like refusing a field sobriety test, blood draw or urine sample when suspected of driving under the influence of a controlled substance. I don't blame the protesting athletes whatsoever. If FINA had done a better job to begin with they wouldn't be writing these letters to protesting athletes right now.
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