Is there a formula for converting 50 meter times to 25 meter times?
That is a good site, but does not have the option of 25's. 50 is the lowest distance.
Are you asking to covert a long course meters time to a short course meters time? Or to somehow convert a 50m race to a 25m race?
There really is no formulaic conversion for that.
Either just estimate something, or get somebody to time you in practice.
Seed times don't mean a ton in local Masters meets anyway.
Are you asking to covert a long course meters time to a short course meters time? Or to somehow convert a 50m race to a 25m race?
A 50 m race to a 25 m race, from either LCM or SCM. I need it for a seed time and have not swum 25's in meets yet.
Since 25s aren't official events they aren't swum very often, so I wouldn't expect most people to have a real accurate seed time. Dividing by two will be close enough.
Well said. This was going to be my solution, too!
Well, yes, obviously I did think of that but felt it would not be accurate enough - would you divide your 100 time by 2 to get a 50? Anyway, I really do appreciate all the feedback. This is the first time I have posted though have been reading and learning a great deal from the posts for a long time now and thought that maybe the experienced minds on here would have a solution for me! So I guess I will just go ahead and divide by two! Thanks again!
Since 25s aren't official events they aren't swum very often, so I wouldn't expect most people to have a real accurate seed time. Dividing by two will be close enough.
Ok, thank you and once again thanks for all the feedback!