Oversized Paddles

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Former Member
My swim buddy is doing long distance swims with over sized Michael Phelps paddles. Can this harm her physically ?
  • I think paddles can be used to improve stroke mechanics and are useful for that. The big paddles may have some benefit for strength when used for sprints and can be helpful for going faster than race pace. Used this way you need to be cautious about shoulder strain. Using large paddles for long distances seems likely to cause poor stroke mechanics and increase te risk of overuse injuries.
  • I think paddles can be used to improve stroke mechanics and are useful for that. The big paddles may have some benefit for strength when used for sprints and can be helpful for going faster than race pace. Used this way you need to be cautious about shoulder strain. Using large paddles for long distances seems likely to cause poor stroke mechanics and increase te risk of overuse injuries.
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