Oversized Paddles

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Former Member
My swim buddy is doing long distance swims with over sized Michael Phelps paddles. Can this harm her physically ?
  • Her shoulders have been hurting, but feels the paddles can't be causing the pain. She has a weak kick due to a knee injury, so she mostly uses her arms and puts a pull buoy between her legs to keep her legs up.I would strongly recommend she use neither the paddles nor the buoy. The buoy flattens out your body, so you lose the power and connection from your hips and kick. Paddles are just downright murder on your shoulders. Better off getting some good technique work, focus on connecting the hips / kick / core / shoulders and work on good rotation.
  • Her shoulders have been hurting, but feels the paddles can't be causing the pain. She has a weak kick due to a knee injury, so she mostly uses her arms and puts a pull buoy between her legs to keep her legs up.I would strongly recommend she use neither the paddles nor the buoy. The buoy flattens out your body, so you lose the power and connection from your hips and kick. Paddles are just downright murder on your shoulders. Better off getting some good technique work, focus on connecting the hips / kick / core / shoulders and work on good rotation.
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