USRPT workout query

Former Member
Former Member
Apologies if this has been asked before, but I can't find it if it has. I'm trying to create workouts and can't find an answer to this. If you are doing your set of repeat 50's, how does your body determine the difference between swimming at 100, 200, 400? It's all just 50's some of which could be at a 30 sec target time (for 100's) or at 35 sec target time for 400's for example. For instance, am I "detraining" my 100 speed by swimming the same repeat distance at a slower 400m pace? Thanks.
  • Just curious, do you do a recovery day? Or is your recovery that you just skip a day in the water? Or is the nature of USRPT that you do not feel you need a recovery day? That is a very interesting and timely question for me. I do not do a recovery day since that means slow swimming and I think it would be better to just rest a day then to swim slowly. I don't see the up side to going to the pool and swim easily. I have on occasion taken a day off since "rest is your friend". I said that this is a timely question for me because I have been struggling lately with fatigue. As I approach 70 I am finding that 5 days a week with race pace training leaves me exhausted. That did not happen when I was 65. For the past two weeks I have gone to three times a week doing three sets a day USRPT. That has helped a bit, but I still don't think I have the formula for me yet. Yesterday I wrote out a new formula that I started today...we will see how this goes. I plan on two sets a day Monday, Wednesday and Friday and one set a day on Tuesday and Thursday. This formula gives me one less set per week but also spreads out the work and still gives me rest. There is not much research on older athletes and their response to high intensity training so this is new ground to cover and no one to turn to with "answers". So this remains an experiment for me.
  • Just curious, do you do a recovery day? Or is your recovery that you just skip a day in the water? Or is the nature of USRPT that you do not feel you need a recovery day? That is a very interesting and timely question for me. I do not do a recovery day since that means slow swimming and I think it would be better to just rest a day then to swim slowly. I don't see the up side to going to the pool and swim easily. I have on occasion taken a day off since "rest is your friend". I said that this is a timely question for me because I have been struggling lately with fatigue. As I approach 70 I am finding that 5 days a week with race pace training leaves me exhausted. That did not happen when I was 65. For the past two weeks I have gone to three times a week doing three sets a day USRPT. That has helped a bit, but I still don't think I have the formula for me yet. Yesterday I wrote out a new formula that I started today...we will see how this goes. I plan on two sets a day Monday, Wednesday and Friday and one set a day on Tuesday and Thursday. This formula gives me one less set per week but also spreads out the work and still gives me rest. There is not much research on older athletes and their response to high intensity training so this is new ground to cover and no one to turn to with "answers". So this remains an experiment for me.
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