ok to swim right after blood tests?

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Former Member
I have to have some blood tests taken in the morning. Is it ok to swim right after? I read online that you shouldn't swim due to possible infection in at the needle site. Sounds ridiculous, but want to be careful.
  • I usually swim (or otherwise work out) before blood tests. I'm on a blood thinner, so the puncture site can sometimes look pretty bad after. Whether or not it is safe, it just doesn't look right. Swimming the next day has never been a problem for me either. (but I've learned to wait a few days before doing arm curls :afraid:)
  • I usually swim (or otherwise work out) before blood tests. I'm on a blood thinner, so the puncture site can sometimes look pretty bad after. Whether or not it is safe, it just doesn't look right. Swimming the next day has never been a problem for me either. (but I've learned to wait a few days before doing arm curls :afraid:)
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