USRPT training - how should I identify goal time?

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I am going to add some USRPT training later because I love the idea of fast feedback. I tried a set last October, with target time 2'5" / 100 m (5 seconds faster than the pace on a recent 1500 m T/T) (although not strictly in adherence because I started every 2'20" instead of 2'25" for 20 seconds rest) and within a week I pushed my first failure from 8 to completing all 30, requiring me to "level up". I tried reducing the target time by 5 seconds / 100 m but it became too hard such that I couldn't get through the initial 5. Afterwards the pool I used closed so I didn't continue this training, but I am looking to resume it when the pool reopens again next week. I will take a 1500 m T/T the first time I get back to the pool. I consider that a pace is too easy if I can complete all 30 reps without a failure, and too hard if I can't get through the initial 5. How should I identify my initial goal time? Is directly using the 1500 m T/T pace good enough, or should I reduce a few seconds? And if I need to level up, how many seconds should I take away for each 100 m? I am currently targeting my 1500 m speed in these few months, however eventually I will need to race for 5 km a few months later, and 15 km next year, and will need to modify the workout for that? Does anyone have any hints or should I return to traditional training by then? I want to build up my speed first, then endurance second, because I can swim for 5 - 7 km continuously without problem now, but at a very slow speed (around 2 hours for 5 km).
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    If you're not going to ever entertain anyone else's advice that contradicts your preconceived notions, why do you continue to ask questions? I just want training methods which can bring my time down faster than when I was on my own previously! I joined a squad a few months ago, but only in the technique-oriented sessions (I can't get to speed of the other sessions yet), and the coach has already corrected me some faults in my technique, but I am not able to judge if it has been translated into improvement in the past 8 weeks because the pool I use normally is closed for annual maintenance, and I swim in a pool of different length now. She has given me two advice: * stop working on my stroke length increase my stroke rate (she has noticed me have better form when swimming faster) * swim more to get more fitness such that I can sustain higher stroke rate These two advice completely contradict my preconceived notions (try to increase my stroke length by technique improvement, such that I swim with less effort so that I can go faster without increasing fitness) and I feel very uncomfortable, however, I am trusting her temporarily in these few months, perhaps up to a year, to see if I can really improve because she is known to produce marathon swimmers. If so, I continue, if not, it's money down the drain and I will switch club. I have been chasing her for availability for a professional 1-1 session since the end of last year, where we will sort out everything. A lot of pools are closed for annual maintenance now so it is difficult to get availability! If I can get one, I won't be so frustrated and keep posting questions here! Before then, I just want training method which can bring my down time in a short period! (I am expecting to have at least 1 minute improvement per month for 1500 m until I get down to 28 minutes)
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    If you're not going to ever entertain anyone else's advice that contradicts your preconceived notions, why do you continue to ask questions? I just want training methods which can bring my time down faster than when I was on my own previously! I joined a squad a few months ago, but only in the technique-oriented sessions (I can't get to speed of the other sessions yet), and the coach has already corrected me some faults in my technique, but I am not able to judge if it has been translated into improvement in the past 8 weeks because the pool I use normally is closed for annual maintenance, and I swim in a pool of different length now. She has given me two advice: * stop working on my stroke length increase my stroke rate (she has noticed me have better form when swimming faster) * swim more to get more fitness such that I can sustain higher stroke rate These two advice completely contradict my preconceived notions (try to increase my stroke length by technique improvement, such that I swim with less effort so that I can go faster without increasing fitness) and I feel very uncomfortable, however, I am trusting her temporarily in these few months, perhaps up to a year, to see if I can really improve because she is known to produce marathon swimmers. If so, I continue, if not, it's money down the drain and I will switch club. I have been chasing her for availability for a professional 1-1 session since the end of last year, where we will sort out everything. A lot of pools are closed for annual maintenance now so it is difficult to get availability! If I can get one, I won't be so frustrated and keep posting questions here! Before then, I just want training method which can bring my down time in a short period! (I am expecting to have at least 1 minute improvement per month for 1500 m until I get down to 28 minutes)
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