tricep fatigue

Former Member
Former Member
When I swim freestyle continuously above my sustainable speed, the first thing which fails me is my deltoid - when fatigue set in I can no longer do a proper EVF catch and the exit is also affected as well. However I've heard that the most used muscle in freestyle swimming is the lats, but I feel my lats only when I swim longer than 3k - by that time my deltoid have fatigued so much to the extent that it affects my swimming seriously. What does the above symptom mean?
  • Thanks for the info: Two things to keep in mind: a) Your stroke count should not change very much (1-3 strokes/length) regardless of the speed you are swimming. The more strokes/length you take, the slower you will go. b) Spend some time counting the strokes of the other people in the pool who are so much faster than you (you mentioned this in another post). They are probably consistently in the low 40s/50 meter length. Like 67king, I am 5'8" and, regardless of speed, take 14-15 strokes/25 yd pool. In my younger, faster days, I was down in the 11-12 strokes/length - probably because I pushed off further. In a 50 meter pool, I take 34-36 depending on my focus on the finish of each stroke. Again, this is regardless of speed. When a swimmers' stroke count increases as they go faster, it is because they are NOT finishing the stroke. This will negatively impact their entry, their catch, the timing of their kick, and they will feel like they spin their wheels. Will be interested to hear how many strokes the other swimmers are taking. paul
  • Thanks for the info: Two things to keep in mind: a) Your stroke count should not change very much (1-3 strokes/length) regardless of the speed you are swimming. The more strokes/length you take, the slower you will go. b) Spend some time counting the strokes of the other people in the pool who are so much faster than you (you mentioned this in another post). They are probably consistently in the low 40s/50 meter length. Like 67king, I am 5'8" and, regardless of speed, take 14-15 strokes/25 yd pool. In my younger, faster days, I was down in the 11-12 strokes/length - probably because I pushed off further. In a 50 meter pool, I take 34-36 depending on my focus on the finish of each stroke. Again, this is regardless of speed. When a swimmers' stroke count increases as they go faster, it is because they are NOT finishing the stroke. This will negatively impact their entry, their catch, the timing of their kick, and they will feel like they spin their wheels. Will be interested to hear how many strokes the other swimmers are taking. paul
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