USMS Fall Fitness Challenge (1 Mile swim)

I'm signed up for the USMS Fall Fitness challenge. Can someone explain what exactly I'm supposed to do? The rules/direction aren't really clear to me. Just swim a mile??? Am I suppose to time myself. Report my results to anyone? Dan
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    Luckily I am not in the U.S. and doesn't need to deal with all the yard / meter madness.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    And now, just to throw a wrench into the works, my favorite available pool sent out an email saying the pool is closed from 11/5 to 11/30 for maintenance. And I appreciate it, for sure - a few weeks closure is a small price to pay for a fresh, functioning pool - but switching locations is a pain. (the other pool, 25 yards, is in the opposite direction.) :P
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 5 years ago
    Luckily I am not in the U.S. and doesn't need to deal with all the yard / meter madness. I actually operated for a long time under the assumption that my favored pool was a yards pool, and the other pools were just sort of peculiarly short. (Or, the "short" sense was an illusion based on the depth and the size of the room). Turns out the other two nearest are 25yd pools, and the reason the Nice Pool felt just a touch longer is because it is. I am no good judge of length and distance, evidently. But again, my grumpiness is due mainly to the other pools being dark and grim (and less convenient to get to). Slate decks and minimal, recessed fluorescent lighting are not a good choice.
  • (As the OP, and only a short-time USMS member)...The more I've heard from longtime USMS members about this event, the more I've come to realize that it's more about just signing up and doing "a swim activity" and really nothing more. There isn't really a participant roster, a list of rules, nor "results" that will be posted. If you want to swim 1500m, 1650yds, 1600m, 1609m, 1760yds, 1800yds, or whatever distance...and call it a "1-mile swim"'s all good. Just be a swimmer, and partake. Dan
  • If I remember -- 1,650 is the total distance of a H S dual meet/ I just swam a set doing all the HS events so I know this. Total is 2,150 if you count relays, 1,350 if you don't. 50, 100, 200, 500 free 100 of each non-free stroke 200 IM 200 medley, 200 and 400 free relay.
  • I never did sign up for the challenge. I can do without yet another swim cap, and have never taken vitamin supplements. My diet provides ample nutrients. But I did go to the pool and swim a mile today, just because it was on the weekly agenda. 1800 yds in 52:10 which I calculate would give me about 51:00 at the mile.
  • Sumo, you missed the point of what the goal was for this challenge. It wasn't just about swimming a mile; the purpose of it was to raise money for the Swimming Saves Lives Foundation.
  • Sumo, you missed the point ... it was to raise money for the Swimming Saves Lives Foundation. WHICH (by the way) you can also do by including a donation to Swimming Saves Lives in your annual USMS membership renewal process! (Plug...plug...) Thanks to USMS for adding this thoughtful, and useful, addition to the donation list!