How long do you take after a big meet? I've found that I've had a problem after a big meet like nationals or in this case Pan Ams to get back in the water. Do you typically take some time off before getting back in the water or do you get right back in the Monday after?
Former Member
Take a break after a big meet is very important for me to get my body and my mind free.
I usually take 2 weeks off, doing not much sport at all. Than for the next 3 to 4 weeks, I start training very sporadic and swim two to three times a week but not much and not a specific program. Than after this 6 week period, I start lifting and going to gym almost every day and start swimming a little more...
Take a break after a big meet is very important for me to get my body and my mind free.
I usually take 2 weeks off, doing not much sport at all. Than for the next 3 to 4 weeks, I start training very sporadic and swim two to three times a week but not much and not a specific program. Than after this 6 week period, I start lifting and going to gym almost every day and start swimming a little more...