swimming and waterpolo

Former Member
Former Member
Hi everyone I've started practicing waterpolo in september. I would like to improve cardio and endurance because I got tired too easily. I need to be able to stay in the pool for at least 10 minutes in a row (even more) doing sudden turns, accelerations etc Do you have any ideas about some training I could do in order to improve cardio and endurance? Let's say twice a week Thanks a lot (I hope my English is good enough) Daniel
  • In my younger years I was a high level water polo player and coach in CA and now am a 57 year old USMS swimmer. Swimming and water polo are two different sports and it is much harder to get fit for polo with traditional swimming workouts than the other way around. When we coached we learned the best way to condition for polo was by playing polo. Full court 4 on 4 scrimmaging, lots of counter attack drills...etc. if you’re going to try to gain conditioning for polo by swimming I’d suggest sets like: (assume 25 yard pool) 10 x 25 @ 30 with climbing out of pool and starting with a dive. Swimming sets of 75s where when you get to the wall you touch with hand but then use your hips and legs to do a quick turn of direction without using wall to push off of with legs. Stay away from distance sets and focus on high intensity sets that require engaging core like climbing out of pool or quick change of directions
  • In my younger years I was a high level water polo player and coach in CA and now am a 57 year old USMS swimmer. Swimming and water polo are two different sports and it is much harder to get fit for polo with traditional swimming workouts than the other way around. When we coached we learned the best way to condition for polo was by playing polo. Full court 4 on 4 scrimmaging, lots of counter attack drills...etc. if you’re going to try to gain conditioning for polo by swimming I’d suggest sets like: (assume 25 yard pool) 10 x 25 @ 30 with climbing out of pool and starting with a dive. Swimming sets of 75s where when you get to the wall you touch with hand but then use your hips and legs to do a quick turn of direction without using wall to push off of with legs. Stay away from distance sets and focus on high intensity sets that require engaging core like climbing out of pool or quick change of directions
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