I Think I Have My Lactate Threshold...What Next?

I wonder if anyone can help me. Thank you in advance! My goal is to improve my 400 meter freestyle. My time right now is 5:45. I am almost 44 years old. Coming off six weeks of doing only long, slow swims (2-3 miles) at 125 HR or lower, I performed a 3000 meter freestyle at maximum in an effort to discover my lactate threshold. My time was 47:29. Right afterwards my HR was 164, so I estimate it was probably around 170 during the actual swim. Average pace was as follows: 1:35 per 100 3:10 per 200 6:20 per 400 My first 400 was, to my surprise, a 6:02. So you can see I got slower later on. Is this a reasonable approximation if my lactate threshold? Should I start by training below this pace, say at 140 HR, then build to eventually holding 400 meter pace? Thank you for any advice you care to give. God bless!
  • Well last weekend I swam the best 400 meters of my life. That isn’t saying much, but it was 5 seconds faster than last year. The only 400 pace work I have done since April, I did during warmup for this race. All my training has been very slow (HR 112-128) or moderate (HR 148-152). The lack of race prep showed in this one respect - my fastest 100m was my fastest 100 by 6 seconds. Clearly I should have gone out faster. This race was much easier than last summer’s slower race. I felt like I had a lot more energy, bought I was too old to feel that way. Got another race next month, God willing I’ll go faster!
  • Well last weekend I swam the best 400 meters of my life. That isn’t saying much, but it was 5 seconds faster than last year. The only 400 pace work I have done since April, I did during warmup for this race. All my training has been very slow (HR 112-128) or moderate (HR 148-152). The lack of race prep showed in this one respect - my fastest 100m was my fastest 100 by 6 seconds. Clearly I should have gone out faster. This race was much easier than last summer’s slower race. I felt like I had a lot more energy, bought I was too old to feel that way. Got another race next month, God willing I’ll go faster!
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