Thinking of wearing a wetsuit for a 5.5 mile race.

I have a July race 5.5 miles. Temperature will not be an issue, I just want the wetsuit for speed. Anyone ever go that long in a suit? I’m a little nervous about doing it.
  • You too! I will see you at the mandatory meeting! I did a long swim in the TYR swim skin and I think it will work nice. Not FINA approved, but don’t care! Ha ha.
  • I am wearing a wetsuit! I forgot to find you at the meeting”finding my inner fish”!
  • I’ll find you 😁I’m number 115
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    never tried wearing a wetsuit, I think it's a little bit uncomfortable
  • I am wearing a wetsuit! I forgot to find you at the meeting”finding my inner fish”! Wasn't able to make the meeting, though did listen to the audio, so have a pretty good feel for what's going down tomorrow. Going to NY today, so hope to see you tomorrow before and/or after the swim (betting you'll be a good bit in front of me during, as I'm not fast). Had all kinds of last minute snafus--my original kayaker was injured so had to bow out--then a friend offered to kayak, but we needed a boat. Thanks to my cousin's amazing efforts, we have a boat--and I have a kayaker! Wow! So I'm no. 79. You can find me that way on the start list. Here's a pic of me getting the "endurance award"--they give that to the last male and last female. I was happy to get it b/c last year's conditions were so tough, I was pleased just to finish!
  • After the swim/race, let us know how it went.
  • Was so happy with my swim! Sorry to miss you, rtodd. We'll both have to come back next year! :) After all the reports about the cross current in mile 1, thanks to the organizers, it went much more smoothly than I expected. After that, it was pretty much a straight shot. Water was very calm--a little bumpy in the last mile, but not nearly the roller coaster ride of last year. My time was 3:38:15, not my fastest, but a good bit faster than last year and comfortably under the 4 hr cut-off. (Last year, I went over 4, but they cut us more slack b/c of conditions.) I was well behind rtodd, but just kept swimming and crossed the finish line! YES! Overall, love this swim. Lately, I've been making it an annual event. 7th time participating, 6th finish.
  • Glad you had a good swim Diane! Check out the short video I made! What a great event and some really fast swimmers!!!
  • Glad you had a good swim Diane! Check out the short video I made! What a great event and some really fast swimmers!!! That's a great video! Feels like I'm right there again! Saw your time--you were pretty fast! My usual ambition... make it in before they stop me! :) The guy who won--- wow! I wasn't even at 3 miles before he came in!