How to lift the legs?

I'm a relative newbie, 70 yrs old. Lifelong runner, but arthritis put a stop to that. Now trying to improve swim technique. I have a waterproof camera so I had someone else shoot me for a lap so I could see what I was doing wrong. I have no kick, which I've mentioned before, but worse than that, the legs sink 1-2 feet below the surface. I look like a dying walrus. What I want to do, whether the kick provides any propulsion or not, is raise my legs toward the surface to get more streamlined. What needs to be done???
  • I second Elaine's suggestion - if you could post a video that would be very helpful, as it is difficult to determine the exact issue without seeing you swim. Good luck and hope you can post a video for the forumites to see and help you with! Perhaps after I get a few weeks of practice making some adjustments I'll get another vid. I also had the right hand coming in toward the chest during the pull, that I'm in the process of fixing. I'm something of a newbie, but have improved a lot in the last year or so. I do have issues with spinal arthritis that may effect the arch of the back & hip rotation. I've mentioned before the difficulties I have with kicking. My ankle will NOT flex.
  • I second Elaine's suggestion - if you could post a video that would be very helpful, as it is difficult to determine the exact issue without seeing you swim. Good luck and hope you can post a video for the forumites to see and help you with! Perhaps after I get a few weeks of practice making some adjustments I'll get another vid. I also had the right hand coming in toward the chest during the pull, that I'm in the process of fixing. I'm something of a newbie, but have improved a lot in the last year or so. I do have issues with spinal arthritis that may effect the arch of the back & hip rotation. I've mentioned before the difficulties I have with kicking. My ankle will NOT flex.
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