What to expect a USMS Stroke Clinic

So I'm signed up for my first Masters stroke clinic scheduled next month. I've swam with a coached Master's group for about 2 years now but was never previously on a swim team. (I learned to swim through a 197Os style Red Cross program.) I've competed in one very small swim meet and 8 open water events. In my two years with masters I've learned how to do flip turns, butterfly, streamlines, relearned *** the modern way, and improved my form with free and back. I've had four different coaches giving me sometimes contradictory advice on form. 2 of the coaches focus on form a decent amount the but the other two are conditioning oriented. I've signed up for the stroke clinic in hopes of getting more useful help on form since I'm not getting enough at my home pool. So my question is what should I expect and is there anything I should do to prepare? I'm a little nervous about whether I am fit enough to last all morning. My typical workouts are 75 minutes rather than half day and 2200-2500 yards - occasionally up to 3000. Any advice would be much appreciated
  • Julia, would you happen to know if there's a list of some Master's oriented clinics/camps out there anywhere? I see on your Swimspire site you have some in Florida, but as I alluded to that kind of trip would be a bit out of the cards for me at least this year. I can't imagine the demand is THAT high so I'm guessing the list would be pretty short, but just thought I'd ask. USMS Stroke Development Clinics; www.usms.org/.../usmsstrokeclinics
  • Julia, would you happen to know if there's a list of some Master's oriented clinics/camps out there anywhere? I see on your Swimspire site you have some in Florida, but as I alluded to that kind of trip would be a bit out of the cards for me at least this year. I can't imagine the demand is THAT high so I'm guessing the list would be pretty short, but just thought I'd ask. USMS Stroke Development Clinics; www.usms.org/.../usmsstrokeclinics
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