There is nothing more challenging for an official than having to DQ a swimmer for a false start: either a dual confirmation done after the heat has been started or for the lone swimmer who goes in all by themselves.
It is a shame that starting early and only gaining, at most, .5 seconds results in the entire race being nullified. I would hate to be the 400 IMer or the 1650 swimmer if that were to happen.
So, instead of nullifying the entire swim, consider a time penalty assessed for a False Start. In either situation that I mentioned in the first paragraph, the swimmer incurs a 5 seconds penalty when the False Start is dual confirmed. The swimmer gets the benefit of the race, albeit with a time penalty.
This could be managed quite easier with a software change in Meet Manager or whatever meet software is being used.
Happy New year Everyone!
My thoughts regarding the latest posts:
Redbird Alum - thanks for the post. Think of this in the same way triathletes are penalized for drafting or in open water swims or in golf or hockey or basketball. What if a player was ejected for a single foul or a golfer was removed from a 4 day tournament if their ball goes out of bounds. Yes, the rule would become universal at all levels.
Dan - thanks for the post and playing devil's advocate. There are two situations to consider and I did not differentiate the two. One is when a swimmer leaves the blocks before the start signal. In this case, the Starter/Deck Ref have the discretion to DQ or not. To my way of thinking, that swimmer would be given the option to compete with the 5 sec penalty or could withdraw from the race counting towards their event limit. Their decision should be announced to all swimmers in the heat just like is done if a swimmer is going for a fast intermediate split in a race (a 50 time in a 1650). The second situation is when the start signal has been given and the swimmers are in the water. Under this situation, the swimmers do not know if there was a DQ and should not stop because they assume they'll be DQ'd. False starts must be confirmed by the deck officials and they might not agree.
Happy New year Everyone!
My thoughts regarding the latest posts:
Redbird Alum - thanks for the post. Think of this in the same way triathletes are penalized for drafting or in open water swims or in golf or hockey or basketball. What if a player was ejected for a single foul or a golfer was removed from a 4 day tournament if their ball goes out of bounds. Yes, the rule would become universal at all levels.
Dan - thanks for the post and playing devil's advocate. There are two situations to consider and I did not differentiate the two. One is when a swimmer leaves the blocks before the start signal. In this case, the Starter/Deck Ref have the discretion to DQ or not. To my way of thinking, that swimmer would be given the option to compete with the 5 sec penalty or could withdraw from the race counting towards their event limit. Their decision should be announced to all swimmers in the heat just like is done if a swimmer is going for a fast intermediate split in a race (a 50 time in a 1650). The second situation is when the start signal has been given and the swimmers are in the water. Under this situation, the swimmers do not know if there was a DQ and should not stop because they assume they'll be DQ'd. False starts must be confirmed by the deck officials and they might not agree.