Time differentials between strokes

Former Member
Former Member
For those who swim more than one stroke, do the differences in these times seem about average? 50 yards from a push: Freestyle - :33/34 Backstroke - :37 Breaststroke - :46/47 Butterfly - :35 Any feedback is appreciated!
  • Have you tried the early dolphin kick in your pullout? Are you faster with the dolphin during the pulldown? At the risk of derailing the OP, I did dolphin during the pulldown all through college but I have been playing with timing a bit recently actually... I just haven't put a clock on it or anything yet. Will do more investigation and report back!
  • Have you tried the early dolphin kick in your pullout? Are you faster with the dolphin during the pulldown? At the risk of derailing the OP, I did dolphin during the pulldown all through college but I have been playing with timing a bit recently actually... I just haven't put a clock on it or anything yet. Will do more investigation and report back!
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