New member with an observation

So I have decided to join USMS at the ripe age of 35, after spending the past 12 years teaching myself to swim. I've never been able to be a part of an organized USMS team due to work schedule or being in the middle of po-dunk America with no teams nearby. So with my recent move back from Korea, I now have a good opportunity to train with a team, a real coach, and get good at this. My first observation is this: I suck. I mean I REALLY suck. Everything I thought I had been doing right for the last decade, the coach quickly pointed out everything I was doing wrong. Which is good of course, because I want to learn and do it right and get better. But this is going to be tough, I can tell. My question to everyone is this: Am I unique in the age I join and try to be on an organized team? Is it worth my time and effort to do this?
  • Wow thank you all for your replies. I appreciate the input. And it's good to know I'm not as much of an odd duck as I thought. I suppose I was worried about my age because by military standards I am indeed an old man. I have to try hard everyday to perform as well as kids 10-18 years younger than me. But in terms of trying a swimming life, that's all new and I had no idea just how good everyone would be, regardless of their age. It's really frustrating because I have wanted to do this for so long and just never had an opportunity, mainly due to location or the fact that any potential team in the area had a practice schedule that made it impossible for me to ever join them. I will try and ask about making a video of myself once I get to where I am doing good enough to make a video for more than a few seconds of movement. That's no joke. But I'll get there. I'll admit I'm a little apprehensive about showing videos of me to people I don't personally know (Army social media policy thing). So I appreciate any and all comments and advice from everyone. Don't worry, I am active duty US Army so I am used to hearing every word in the book and every cruel remark whether deserved or not.
  • Wow thank you all for your replies. I appreciate the input. And it's good to know I'm not as much of an odd duck as I thought. I suppose I was worried about my age because by military standards I am indeed an old man. I have to try hard everyday to perform as well as kids 10-18 years younger than me. But in terms of trying a swimming life, that's all new and I had no idea just how good everyone would be, regardless of their age. It's really frustrating because I have wanted to do this for so long and just never had an opportunity, mainly due to location or the fact that any potential team in the area had a practice schedule that made it impossible for me to ever join them. I will try and ask about making a video of myself once I get to where I am doing good enough to make a video for more than a few seconds of movement. That's no joke. But I'll get there. I'll admit I'm a little apprehensive about showing videos of me to people I don't personally know (Army social media policy thing). So I appreciate any and all comments and advice from everyone. Don't worry, I am active duty US Army so I am used to hearing every word in the book and every cruel remark whether deserved or not.
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