LMSC vs. State Records

Looking for opinions here. As you know, the USMS community is divided in to LMSCs, not states. It is my impression that not all LMSCs maintain swimming records, but when they do, it is done for the LMSC, not by state. Does anyone maintain masters swimming records at the state level (when the state does not correspond to an LMSC? For example, Georgia is not only a state, but an LMSC.) I have been maintaining "New Jersey" state records, but I have learned that the "New Jersey" LMSC only covers North Jersey, and that South Jersey is part of the "Delaware Valley" LMSC, which includes eastern PA, and DE. If a swimmer from the Delaware Valley LMSC lives in NJ, should that be included in the "New Jersey" records? (particularly if the Delaware Valley LMSC does not maintain records). Should eligibility be based on residence, regardless of LMSC affiliation? And does anyone count YMCA Masters times, if the person is not registered as a USMS swimmer, but lives in the state?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Ed, As the 'offical' SCY/SCM records keeper for ADMS and was recently charged with updating the NYS Championship Meet Records, I can give you my experiance and knowledge of how these things work. There was some confusion about this recently, so I did some research on it, to clear things up. If the records are for a GROUP (ie, LMSC, Zone, State?) then the records may only be broken by members who fall into that group. If the records are for a MEET (ie, NY State Championship Meet Records) then the records may be broken by anyone attending the meet regardless of their membership (providing their membership qualified them into the meet). The question has been raised, How about NY State Records? You would assume this would mean records set by NYS residents. Questions arise, must you be living in NY? Do you have a NY license(or official residence) but living and swimming in CA? There is no simplified task, because there is no 'official' USMS (or other) membership, unless like Georgia, the state is an LMSC itself, but then, as membership rules apply, one doesn't have to live in the LMSC they belong to so the member may not be a Georga resident. So, unless you create a state GROUP that members can subscribe to, you're going to drive yourself crazy. Joe Bubel
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Ed, As the 'offical' SCY/SCM records keeper for ADMS and was recently charged with updating the NYS Championship Meet Records, I can give you my experiance and knowledge of how these things work. There was some confusion about this recently, so I did some research on it, to clear things up. If the records are for a GROUP (ie, LMSC, Zone, State?) then the records may only be broken by members who fall into that group. If the records are for a MEET (ie, NY State Championship Meet Records) then the records may be broken by anyone attending the meet regardless of their membership (providing their membership qualified them into the meet). The question has been raised, How about NY State Records? You would assume this would mean records set by NYS residents. Questions arise, must you be living in NY? Do you have a NY license(or official residence) but living and swimming in CA? There is no simplified task, because there is no 'official' USMS (or other) membership, unless like Georgia, the state is an LMSC itself, but then, as membership rules apply, one doesn't have to live in the LMSC they belong to so the member may not be a Georga resident. So, unless you create a state GROUP that members can subscribe to, you're going to drive yourself crazy. Joe Bubel
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