Help with freestyle technique!

Former Member
Former Member
Hello everyone, I'm writing this topic in order to ask for your help with my freestyle technique. It had been something like 6 years since I quit swimming and now I've returned 5-6 months ago. I took part of a competition last week and despite I felt really good, I noticed that my freestyle technique have deteriorated. Here is a video of it: I'm the one in the first line from the right, the one who the camera is pointing to. I would really appreciate your help or some advice about how improve my technique because I train solo. Greetings, Diego
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    It certainly isn't bad. You look like you're spinning your wheels a bit - not surprising, I'm just back in the water after 6 years and I notice the same thing when I sprint. I think your biggest thing is just going to be consistency and getting back that feel for the water you probably used to have. The only specific thing I'd say would be to focus on staying patient with your pull and front-quadrant swimming ( Thank you very much for your help!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 6 years ago
    It certainly isn't bad. You look like you're spinning your wheels a bit - not surprising, I'm just back in the water after 6 years and I notice the same thing when I sprint. I think your biggest thing is just going to be consistency and getting back that feel for the water you probably used to have. The only specific thing I'd say would be to focus on staying patient with your pull and front-quadrant swimming ( Thank you very much for your help!
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