Runner getting into second year swimming. Critical analysis?

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Former Member
30 now, I've mostly been rowing, running, and biking all my life. That changed quite a bit when I moved to South Korea from Canada, though(no place to row, crowded cities, and all). I luckily found a swimming pool in my neighborhood last July, and I have been swimming ever since, except for a few months in between. Although I found my instructor in the beginning quite knowledgeable, the intermediate class I am in at the moment has a different instructor that unfortunately isn't very... thrilled to teach at the venue lol. Mostly gives us drills to do and nothing much else. Yesterday, I got a discount ticket to a spa with a swimming pool and my friend and we filmed each other swimming, so, could anyone give me pointers on what to improve on and etc? It's a shame the weather was pretty chilly, making my friend pretty reluctant to film... so the angle isn't very good, plus it was dark out. I intend to do this again with a more cooperative friend soon haha. I uploaded the videos to Youtube so there wouldn't be any sketchy downloading work, so please check them out? Thank you! - Freestyle - Butterfly
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 7 years ago
    Wow I think you're absolutely right. My lack of upper body strength is one thing, but... I would still have to work on the efficiency. I will try getting the hips up towards the surface on the butterfly entry too. Thanks a bunch!
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 7 years ago
    Wow I think you're absolutely right. My lack of upper body strength is one thing, but... I would still have to work on the efficiency. I will try getting the hips up towards the surface on the butterfly entry too. Thanks a bunch!
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