Would someone be able to advise me please. At my local swim club I have difficulty in completing the sets at the times given to us. I am able to start off OK, but then need the aid of fins to continue at the pace about half way through.
So the question is; Is is better for me to complete the whole set's distances at the times given (with the aid of fins half way through), OR better to swim with no fins but cut distances and times?
I assume at the moment it is better to swim the distances at the times given with the fins (although I feel as if I am cheating in a way, compared to everyone else - because it is perceived as easier etc etc.)
But is it right for me to think I am still increasing flexibilty and strength and stamina so I will eventually be able to do the sets without the need for the fin?
Former Member
I would suggest you mix it up, do some sets with the aid of fins and do some sets without, of course this is depending on your goals. If you want to become a fantastic fin swimmer, then go ahead and swim with fins all the time, but I am assuming you want to improve your non-fin swimming ability. Not knowing your swim workout group, I am not sure if you are capable of moving into another lane and adjusting the times or distances of the sets. As for when you put fins and the feeling of cheating, don't worry about it - the only time I get upset when a swimmer puts fins on is after doing so they consistently run up my butt and then refuse to go ahead of me.
Remember that by challenging yourself is the way you improve, and that just because you fail (don't make a send off) doesn't mean you haven' gained anything, we occassionally do failure type sets, repeat swims on a descending interval or as amny swims as you can on a very fast/tight interval, you do what you can and next time around try to do more or do the same number on a faster interval. Good luck.
I would suggest you mix it up, do some sets with the aid of fins and do some sets without, of course this is depending on your goals. If you want to become a fantastic fin swimmer, then go ahead and swim with fins all the time, but I am assuming you want to improve your non-fin swimming ability. Not knowing your swim workout group, I am not sure if you are capable of moving into another lane and adjusting the times or distances of the sets. As for when you put fins and the feeling of cheating, don't worry about it - the only time I get upset when a swimmer puts fins on is after doing so they consistently run up my butt and then refuse to go ahead of me.
Remember that by challenging yourself is the way you improve, and that just because you fail (don't make a send off) doesn't mean you haven' gained anything, we occassionally do failure type sets, repeat swims on a descending interval or as amny swims as you can on a very fast/tight interval, you do what you can and next time around try to do more or do the same number on a faster interval. Good luck.