Kudos to forumite and now English Channel crosser ...

... Kurt Dickson! He swam this overnight and completed this in 10:20. :applaud::agree::bow:
  • Congrats Kurt! ok who here wants up at 2am to swim at 337am in cold water? i'll be the 1st to raise my hand and say NOT ME!!! plus there is no stripe on the bottom to follow i would zigzag so much i would make it a 40mile crossing Yeh, this is never happening for me. I'm allergic to cold water.
  • Congrats Kurt! ok who here wants up at 2am to swim at 337am in cold water? i'll be the 1st to raise my hand and say NOT ME!!! plus there is no stripe on the bottom to follow i would zigzag so much i would make it a 40mile crossing Yeh, this is never happening for me. I'm allergic to cold water.
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