Petite Female Swimmer

As a petite female in her upper 30's is there anything I can do to overcome my height limitation when it comes to competitive swimming? I stand at 5ft. 2 1/2 inches and know that I'm at a disadvantage purely based on my height alone. Are there certain events that would be better geared towards the petite swimmer than other events?
  • I'm at a disadvantage purely based on my height alone. i stand a towering 5'9"...imagine the shadow that Matt Biondi cast over me at 6'8" from the lane next to me at nationals in Santa Clara. welcome to the "short" dna stick. no, i didnt beat him, but i scared him so much he had to win to do it! ;) it's not the dog in the fight, but the fight of the dog!
  • I'm at a disadvantage purely based on my height alone. i stand a towering 5'9"...imagine the shadow that Matt Biondi cast over me at 6'8" from the lane next to me at nationals in Santa Clara. welcome to the "short" dna stick. no, i didnt beat him, but i scared him so much he had to win to do it! ;) it's not the dog in the fight, but the fight of the dog!
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