I am having siginificant difficulty learning the modern breastroke kick. I am still trapped in the ways of my youth with the wide frog kick.
When I try the more closed kick I see used today, I end up floundering and looking quite odd. By the end of every lap, I have confused the kick so badly that it is quite possible I may be moving either sideways or backwards.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can learn the newer kick?
Former Member
Wayne has some good links on his web page. Encluded here is a page with breaststroker Dave Denniston in associaltion with Glenn Mills (breaststroker 1980 Olympics-the unfortunate olympiad). It will take some time to download the quicktime but it shows with clarity the timing of the stroke, and the kick.
Wayne has some good links on his web page. Encluded here is a page with breaststroker Dave Denniston in associaltion with Glenn Mills (breaststroker 1980 Olympics-the unfortunate olympiad). It will take some time to download the quicktime but it shows with clarity the timing of the stroke, and the kick.