I'll be starting again next week after seven weeks off after my major hip replacement. My healing is much longer than usual - it was a complex surgery since I was born with arthritis hips.
What can I expect? I have a feeling flip turns are out. Will I be able I use my fins? Do breaststroke and fly?
I plan on cutting the workouts our coach puts up in half and seeing how that goes.
Anything else I should know?
Former Member
MSK..... Thanks for your advice.
I am an avid swimmer and diver / snorkeler / cyclist..... 52 years old..... Just had my Left Hip Replaced 5 weeks ago (Lateral cut). My surgeon told me I could swim after 6 weeks. I read on a different forum that I should wait nearly 3 MONTHS before swimming.
I planned on getting into the pool beginning with my 6th week......
What has been YOUR experience with swimming WITH FINS? Any advice from swimmers??? I really really want to be back in the water ASAP......
I agree with those of you who are trying to be conservative but I am gaining weight and don't want to be so inactive....
Once all heals and is "locked in place" only a car crash or other traumatic incident will dislodge it. They say not to cross your legs like a guy would that rotates the hip but, if you move slowly into that position it seems to be ok.
Good luck in coming back. Do you feel much better now without the hip pain?
I just received my total hip replacement (left) on 3/21/2018. I was looking for info/conversation germane to hip replacement and swimming, I searched the forum and resurrected this old thread...which coincidently I commented on a year-and-a-half ago. MSK's advice above does seem pretty forthright. Initially, my interest was/is in resuming flip turns. Can any of you who've received hips comment on resuming flip turns? BTW, I'm not permitted to even get in the pool for another couple of weeks (for water exercise...NOT swimming). Resumption of swimming will be permitted around first week of May.
After the surgery, the doc did caution me on certain leg positions, with stress on the leg, that are exactly like breaststroke kick. However, he's confusing me a bit. He'll tell me "You can't put your leg in this position...or in that position...because there's potential of dislocation." But then he'll continue, and then tell me "That hip is in there SOLID! You're not going to dislocate it." So I don't know what to think.
I began outpatient PT yesterday, and when I was initially evaluated by the head therapist, she said she was amazed at the strength that I've already regained, or never lost. She told me they're treating a couple of other guys my age who got new hips about two months ago, and that I'm already beyond where they are in recovery.
I hadn't even really considered that the butterfly kick would/could be problematic. Of course at my next follow-up with the surgeon (and PT) I will ask specific questions about those kicks.
Do you feel much better now without the hip pain?
I do. And, interestingly, aches and pains that I had in my back, and knees also seem to be subsiding. I think that's becasue that while compensating for the pain in my arthritic hip, that I would stand/walk/run with my hip askew/misaligned. As you know, misalignment of that nature, over time, can have a domino affect and cause those aches and pains in other areas.
Dan, I will be following your recovery with great interest as I am also in need of a hip replacement (right). I'm trying to wait until the end of the year as I'd like to swim LCM/SCM in my new age group, get onto Medicare, and enjoy our daughter's October wedding.
Dan, I will be following your recovery with great interest as I am also in need of a hip replacement (right). I'm trying to wait until the end of the year as I'd like to swim LCM/SCM in my new age group, get onto Medicare, and enjoy our daughter's October wedding.
That sounds like a list of "to do things" before the operation. Be prepared to not enjoy the down time but, also be prepared to have a more comfortable life without the associated pain.
Dan, I will be following your recovery with great interest as I am also in need of a hip replacement (right). I'm trying to wait until the end of the year as I'd like to swim LCM/SCM in my new age group, get onto Medicare, and enjoy our daughter's October wedding.
I sent you a PM with some pre- and post-op info.
Gordon Paul won the 100 Fly at the World Masters Games last year 8 months after his first hip replacement. He subsequently had the other one replaced in August. He's swimming Free, Fly and IM events at Nationals next month.