2016 Go the Distance FLOG goal

For those of you who set a Go the Distance FLOG goal for the year, how are you doing? I set a goal of 325 miles for the year and achieved it today.:bliss: Good luck to everybody, and for all of you who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas! :carolers: :presents2::santa3: For those of you who celebrate Hanukah, Happy Hanukah! To everybody, HAPPY NEW YEAR! :party2: :wine:
  • Way to go on your goals, everybody! :applaud: Imbacktoit, here's to 325! :chug: My goal was 200 and I'm at 322 after this morning. planning to swim at least 2 or 3 more times and should wind up somewhere just south of 330. I'll adjust the goal higher for 2017, but not yet sure how much. Where's my crystal ball?
  • My goal was 250 miles and I am at 227+ right now. The 250 was sort of a stretch goal anyway - I haven't done that much since 2012. Rob Copeland would tell me if I swam the Channel this week (or around Manhattan) I would make it, but instead I'll aim for 230.
  • My goal was 200 and I'm at 322 after this morning. planning to swim at least 2 or 3 more times and should wind up somewhere just south of 330. I'll adjust the goal higher for 2017, but not yet sure how much. Where's my crystal ball? Way to go 'jerz! :applaud:
  • My goal is always to just match or surpass my previous year's total...which for this year is just 118 miles. It looks like I'm going to come up just about five or so miles short. But I run and cycle too and I surpassed both of those goals back in late November. Dan My advice, and what I'm finally going to try to do in the coming year, is to NOT be close to FLOG when the holidays come around. People...those in your life that don't swim (or exercise at all)...don't understand it when you voice your opposition to UN-announced and/or rescheduled holiday gatherings that you don't want to attend...so that you can make your workout. And so to keep the peace on earth you forgo your workout to drink eggnog and be festive. Dan (aka Scrooge) P.S. Bah Humbug.
  • 428.47 and no excuses. My goal is always 500 but I've only hit it once. Life is a box of chocolates and you just never know what you'll get. I may not be the world's best swimmer (obviously) but I am a mindful, kind, and loving full time teacher in the public schools. I've also recently become legal guardian of my 5 year old grandson. I am 61 years old and working as hard as I ever have. I'm trying to make the world right for my grandson, help my daughter, be a highly effective teacher, and swim. I am proud of my miles.
  • I learned about Go The Distance in March and set a reasonable goal of 275 miles, but had bursitis and hernia surgery in May and June and couldn't quite reach my goal but I got to 201 miles. I'd like to set a new goal for 2017, but with the new interface I can't figure out how to get in and set a goal for this year. I've signed up for 2017 Go The Distance, and it recognized that, but I don't see how to access the goal-setting. Can anyone help me?
  • plug in your first workout and it all pops up ... and then set your goal ... good luck
  • My initial goal for the year was 200 miles, but back-to-back injuries in the late summer/ early fall forced me to curb my ambition a bit. I scaled back to 180 miles, and just squeaked past my goal on December 30. I'm setting my 2017 goal as 180, figuring I can always bump it up later if it looks like I'm doing really well.
  • Consistency was my problem last year. I guarantee I had fewer days in the water than any other year I've tracked. My goal this year is to get to the pool more often. I'm not concerned about huge yardage when I get there, but I need to show up! I set my yearly goal at 400 miles. Most years I'd meet that easily, but last year I didn't even manage to log 350.
  • 400 is a very good goal. 350 is still vg. I have missed mine this year 'cuz of another surgery.